Directions to Our Office
We are in Highspire ( Harrisburg ), Pennsylvania ,USA.
Directions from New York City, NY:
Take the subway from La Guardia or JFK Airports to the Greyhound Bus Station in New York. Frequent buses are scheduled to Harrisburg.
Directions from Washington, D.C.:
1. From Ronald Reagan Airport take the Metro or bus to the Greyhound Bus Station in Washington. Buses are regularly scheduled from Washington to Harrisburg.
2. From Dulles International take a bus to downtown Washington, D.C. and the Greyhound Bus Station
From Newark, NJ, Liberty International Airport:
Take a SEPTA Train that travels directly to downtown Harrisburg.
From Baltimore, Maryland .:
From BWI Airport take the Metro or bus to the Greyhound Bus Station in Baltimore. Buses are regularly scheduled from Baltimore to Harrisburg.